Storming The Castle

Friday7:00 PMMichiganOpening Ceremonies Welcome to Storming the ConFusion! Please join our ConChair and Guests of Honor Ada Palmer, Steve Macdonald, Jen Piatek, and David Stein, along with our Special Guests, courtesy of Subterranean Press, Joe Lansdale and Lewis Shiner! Hear about all the exciting stuff you can expect from them, and us, this weekend! Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI, Amy Sexsmith
Friday9:00 PMMichiganDance Party With DJ Scalzi Dance the night away with DJ Scalzi spinning the tunes! John Scalzi
Saturday2:00 PMMichiganConcert by Ada Palmer and Friends A special 90-minute set by our Author GoH and her friends, featuring both music of the Renaissance and Ada's Viking-themed works. Ada Palmer, Lauren Schiller, Michael J Mellas
Saturday5:00 PMMichiganConcert by Tom Smith The world's fastest filker joins us again, for an hour of favorites old and new. Tom Smith
Saturday7:00 PMMichiganMasquerade   
Saturday8:00 PMMichiganConcert by Steve Macdonald Steve's been away for a while, living in Germany, so this is a rare chance to enjoy his songwriting, singing, and guitar work. You don't want to miss it! Steve Macdonald
Sunday10:00 AMMichiganBlack Gate Magazine Interviews GoH Ada Palmer Black Gate columnist and author Brandon Crilly sits down for a live interview with Pro GoH Ada Palmer, to discuss Terra Ignota, mythology, philosophy and looking ahead to the future. Brandon Crilly (M), Ada Palmer
Sunday3:00 PMMichiganClosing Ceremonies Come say goodbye to our Guests of Honor and Special Guests, and learn what we might have in store for you for next year! Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI, Amy Sexsmith
Sunday4:00 PMMichiganFeedback Session Give the ConCom compliments, ask questions, provide concerns. Review the con experience with the all-volunteer concom and staff, and find out how to join in the fun of planning ConFusion for next year! Amy Sexsmith & ConCom