Friday | 6:00 PM | Erie | Outlining Methods For Short and Long Fiction | Outlines are a popular and powerful tool for planning out fiction, but the persuasive non-fiction outlining methods that many of us learned in school aren't particularly well-suited to storytelling. Many writers have developed their own methods for outlining, and many have tips you can adapt for your own use. Come learn about the outlining methods that work for our panel of writers, and where to find additional resources on how to make outlines work for you. | Annalee Flower Horne (M), A. Merc Rustad, Cherie Priest, Mark Oshiro, Ada Palmer |
Friday | 7:00 PM | Michigan | Opening Ceremonies | Welcome to Storming the ConFusion! Please join our ConChair and Guests of Honor Ada Palmer, Steve Macdonald, Jen Piatek, and David Stein, along with our Special Guests, courtesy of Subterranean Press, Joe Lansdale and Lewis Shiner! Hear about all the exciting stuff you can expect from them, and us, this weekend! | Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI, Amy Sexsmith |
Friday | 8:00 PM | ConSuite | Dessert Reception | Come enjoy desserts and mingle with our Guests of Honor and Subterranean Press's Special Guests! | Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI |
Saturday | 10:00 AM | Model T | Kaffeeklatsch with Pro GOH Ada Palmer | Join Guest of Honor Ada Palmer for a small-scale conversation and Q&A over cups of coffee or tea. Limit 10 attendees, sign up in Ops. | Ada Palmer |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | Erie | Reading: Ada Palmer | | Ada Palmer |
Saturday | 12:00 PM | Dearborn | How To Storm A Castle: Pre-Industrial Defenses Around The World | How, precisely, do you storm a castle? Join our panel to discuss pre-industrial building defenses, their strengths and vulnerabilities, and how to get past them if you need to defeat the evil prince within. | Chris Bell (M), Josef Matulich, Scott H. Andrews, Ada Palmer |
Saturday | 2:00 PM | Michigan | Concert by Ada Palmer and Friends | A special 90-minute set by our Author GoH and her friends, featuring both music of the Renaissance and Ada's Viking-themed works. | Ada Palmer, Lauren Schiller, Michael J Mellas |
Saturday | 3:00 PM | Erie | Autograph Session (3pm) | Meet your favorite authors and get your books signed! Limit 3 items per person, please. | Ada Palmer, Anthony W. Eichenlaub, Cat Rambo, Diana Rowland, Dyrk Ashton, Jason Sanford, Josef Matulich, Keith Hughes, Lucy A. Snyder, Mackenzie Flohr, Mark Oshiro, Michael R. Underwood, Mur Lafferty, Stacey Filak, Tracy Townsend |
Saturday | 8:00 PM | Ontario | Ada Palmer Spoilers Reading | | Ada Palmer |
Sunday | 10:00 AM | Michigan | Black Gate Magazine Interviews GoH Ada Palmer | Black Gate columnist and author Brandon Crilly sits down for a live interview with Pro GoH Ada Palmer, to discuss Terra Ignota, mythology, philosophy and looking ahead to the future. | Brandon Crilly (M), Ada Palmer |
Sunday | 3:00 PM | Michigan | Closing Ceremonies | Come say goodbye to our Guests of Honor and Special Guests, and learn what we might have in store for you for next year! | Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI, Amy Sexsmith |