Storming The Castle

Friday7:00 PMMichiganOpening Ceremonies Welcome to Storming the ConFusion! Please join our ConChair and Guests of Honor Ada Palmer, Steve Macdonald, Jen Piatek, and David Stein, along with our Special Guests, courtesy of Subterranean Press, Joe Lansdale and Lewis Shiner! Hear about all the exciting stuff you can expect from them, and us, this weekend! Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI, Amy Sexsmith
Friday8:00 PMConSuite Dessert Reception Come enjoy desserts and mingle with our Guests of Honor and Subterranean Press's Special Guests! Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI
Saturday11:00 AMAllen Park Out Beyond Pluto: New Horizons Visits the Kuiper Belt If all goes well, a few weeks before ConFusion, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft should have encountered the object known as 2014 MU69 or "Ultima Thule." Discuss the science of Kuiper Belt Objects and (we hope) the results of the flyby. Bill Higgins, Dr. Jennifer Piatek
Saturday1:00 PMAllen Park Mars in Fact and Fiction Mars looms large in science fiction, and in NASA's planetary exploration program. Listen to scientists and experts discuss the ways Mars has been explored in both scientific ways and by characters in science fiction. Bill Higgins, Martin L. Shoemaker, Dr. Jennifer Piatek
Sunday10:00 AMModel TKaffeeklatsch with Science GOH Jen PiatekJoin Science Guest of Honor Jen Piatek for a small-scale conversation and Q&A over cups of coffee or tea. Limit 10 attendees, sign up in Ops.Dr. Jennifer Piatek
Sunday12:00 PMErieState of the Solar System What are humans and their robot pals doing out in the solar system right now? Where are we going and what's in the planning phases? Bill Higgins (M), Martin L. Shoemaker, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, Bob Trembly
Sunday3:00 PMMichiganClosing Ceremonies Come say goodbye to our Guests of Honor and Special Guests, and learn what we might have in store for you for next year! Ada Palmer, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis Shiner, Steve Macdonald, Dr. Jennifer Piatek, David M Stein, DI, Amy Sexsmith