Nibedita Sen will be appearing at the Networking for Genre Fiction Professionals on Friday at 1pm in Ontario.
Monica Valentinelli is joining us for the panels How Fears Shape Superstition in Allen Park on Sunday at 11am, as well as moderating Expanding the Definition of Witchcraft on Sunday at 2pm in Southfield. She will also be at the Autograph Session at 4pm on Saturday, and joining Sean Martin and Anthony W. Eichenlaub for a reading at 8pm on Friday in Rotunda.
Former ConChair and Fan GoH Dennis Tabaczewski will be hosting a Code-A-Pillar Challenge in Model T on Saturday from 4pm to 6pm. Build an electronic caterpillar with Segments which execute particular Movement codes to complete your task! Fun for one, or teams!
Joe R. Lansdale and Lewis Shiner, Special Guests of Subterranean Press will be holding a reading in Warren at 11am on Saturday!
Also, Lewis Shiner will be signing during the Autograph Session at 3pm on Saturday.
On Friday at 9pm in Allen Park, A. Carina Spears, Paul Kemner, and Star Stramel will be hosting Anime Fantasy-Romance, complete with clips, exploring some of the best shows in this genre.
Jennie Ivins will not be able to make it to Kindness in Science Fiction and Fantasy on Sunday at 2pm.
Chad Childers, Rick Lieder, and Karol Devore Sissom will be joining our other panelists for the History of Detroit Fandom at 1pm in Ontario.
Lar deSouza joins us for Whose Cartoon Is It, Anyway? on Sunday at 1pm in Ontario.
Tom Smith will not be joining us this year at ConFusion.
Steve Macdonald, Mark Bernstein & Random Fractions will be doing a Tom Smith cover concert in Fairlane at 5:00pm