Registration is Open
The long-awaited moment is here! Registration is open and ready for you. Just click on the link. Storming the ConFusion Registration.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you in January
The long-awaited moment is here! Registration is open and ready for you. Just click on the link. Storming the ConFusion Registration.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you in January
Hi Amy, when I click the pre-registration link, it looks like we need a Registration Code / Password to pre-register? What should we enter?
I have not previously attended a con. I understand the badges, but what are ribbons? When I buy a badge, do I then also register for various sessions before the con, or are sessions generally open and available for last minute decisions as to which to attend?
What are Ribbons you say?
Well, I’m darn glad you asked:
Some say it was way back in the time of the S.M.O.F.s, the cabal that ran The World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon), the organizers put ribbons on their badges that denoted positions such as “Guest of Honor”, “Con Chair”, “Ops Head”, “Artists”, and “Dealers” and more.
WorldCon attendees took notice and with great glee started making their own, inane, crazed badge ribbons to share with fellow fans.
Soon there were quotes from favorite books, movies & tv shows. Puns & Memes from the darkest parts of the internet. Basically, anything.
That being said, Ribbons are now used by authors, dealers, artists for promotion or just fun, congoers to perpetuate a fannish atmosphere of fun, randomness, and ways to honor favorite authors, books, comics, movies, shows and whatever else they can think of.